After the death of her husband, a mother decides to fulfill his last wish and runs the marathon in relays with her daughters. A small problem is that none of them are physically and mentally prepared for running. Furthermore the relatives and friends are also unexpectedly affected by the women's seemingly impossible challenge. / Source: Futni mentem (2024) - IMDb. URL: [] /
Lili (Sára Varga-Járó), is after the tragic loss of her love, spends her days lonely as a cocoon, until she comes across her mother's diary and a stack of love letters in her parents' apartment. As she begins to read them, the past comes to life in front of her, one of the unforgettable summers of the early nineties: Lili's mother, Eszter (Franciska Töröcsik), is on vacation at Lake Balaton with her two friends. She is determined to remain loyal to her 'stiff upper lip' boyfriend at home, but her plans are thoroughly messed up when she meets Geri (Márk Ember), who is relaxed, funny and has another very good quality: as the frontman of a band, he performs on the beach in Szigliget with his friends (Peti Marics , Kirády Marcell). What can be of this? Confusion? Love? Jealousy? A few kisses? A few slaps? More kisses? This is the minimum. The summer on the shores of Lake Balaton changes the lives of young people, and even affects the lives of their children. / Source: Hogyan tudnék élni nélküled? (2024) - IMDb. URL: [] /
A family at a remote farmhouse is attacked by an unseen animal, but as the night stretches on, the father begins to transform into something unrecognizable. / Source: Wolf Man (2025) - IMDb. URL: [] /
Sonic, a sündisznó visszatér a mozivászonra karácsonykor az eddigi legizgalmasabb kalandjával. Sonic, Knuckles és Tails összefognak egy veszélyes új ellenféllel, Shadow-val szemben, aki egy rejtélyes gonosztevő, és olyan ereje van, amilyennel még egyiküknek sem volt dolga. És mivel a Sonic csapat képességeit ez a kihívás minden szempontból meghaladja, keresniük kell egy váratlan szövetségest, hogy megállítsák Shadow-t, és megvédjék a bolygót…
Nina (Demeter Villő) legfőbb vágya, hogy író legyen, kreativitását az animációs filmrendező apjától (Mátray László) örökölte. Mindennapjait kétbalkezes bűvész öccse (Hárs Bonca) kavarja fel, s mivel az anyukája (Lovas Rozi) korán meghalt, a női mintát kissé merev nagynénje (Tenki Réka) nyújtja a családban. Amikor apja életébe új szerelem (Rujder Vivien) érkezik, Nina a szomszédban élő bohém írónő (Zsurzs Kati) iránymutatásait követve az írás segítségével dolgozza fel édesanyja elvesztését, és nyitja meg szívét az új családtag és az első szerelem (Kövécs Barnabás) előtt.
Lili (Sára Varga-Járó), is after the tragic loss of her love, spends her days lonely as a cocoon, until she comes across her mother's diary and a stack of love letters in her parents' apartment. As she begins to read them, the past comes to life in front of her, one of the unforgettable summers of the early nineties: Lili's mother, Eszter (Franciska Töröcsik), is on vacation at Lake Balaton with her two friends. She is determined to remain loyal to her 'stiff upper lip' boyfriend at home, but her plans are thoroughly messed up when she meets Geri (Márk Ember), who is relaxed, funny and has another very good quality: as the frontman of a band, he performs on the beach in Szigliget with his friends (Peti Marics , Kirády Marcell). What can be of this? Confusion? Love? Jealousy? A few kisses? A few slaps? More kisses? This is the minimum. The summer on the shores of Lake Balaton changes the lives of young people, and even affects the lives of their children. / Source: Hogyan tudnék élni nélküled? (2024) - IMDb. URL: [] /
After the death of her husband, a mother decides to fulfill his last wish and runs the marathon in relays with her daughters. A small problem is that none of them are physically and mentally prepared for running. Furthermore the relatives and friends are also unexpectedly affected by the women's seemingly impossible challenge. / Source: Futni mentem (2024) - IMDb. URL: [] /
A family at a remote farmhouse is attacked by an unseen animal, but as the night stretches on, the father begins to transform into something unrecognizable. / Source: Wolf Man (2025) - IMDb. URL: [] /
After the death of her husband, a mother decides to fulfill his last wish and runs the marathon in relays with her daughters. A small problem is that none of them are physically and mentally prepared for running. Furthermore the relatives and friends are also unexpectedly affected by the women's seemingly impossible challenge. / Source: Futni mentem (2024) - IMDb. URL: [] /
Lili (Sára Varga-Járó), is after the tragic loss of her love, spends her days lonely as a cocoon, until she comes across her mother's diary and a stack of love letters in her parents' apartment. As she begins to read them, the past comes to life in front of her, one of the unforgettable summers of the early nineties: Lili's mother, Eszter (Franciska Töröcsik), is on vacation at Lake Balaton with her two friends. She is determined to remain loyal to her 'stiff upper lip' boyfriend at home, but her plans are thoroughly messed up when she meets Geri (Márk Ember), who is relaxed, funny and has another very good quality: as the frontman of a band, he performs on the beach in Szigliget with his friends (Peti Marics , Kirády Marcell). What can be of this? Confusion? Love? Jealousy? A few kisses? A few slaps? More kisses? This is the minimum. The summer on the shores of Lake Balaton changes the lives of young people, and even affects the lives of their children. / Source: Hogyan tudnék élni nélküled? (2024) - IMDb. URL: [] /
A family at a remote farmhouse is attacked by an unseen animal, but as the night stretches on, the father begins to transform into something unrecognizable. / Source: Wolf Man (2025) - IMDb. URL: [] /
Lili (Sára Varga-Járó), is after the tragic loss of her love, spends her days lonely as a cocoon, until she comes across her mother's diary and a stack of love letters in her parents' apartment. As she begins to read them, the past comes to life in front of her, one of the unforgettable summers of the early nineties: Lili's mother, Eszter (Franciska Töröcsik), is on vacation at Lake Balaton with her two friends. She is determined to remain loyal to her 'stiff upper lip' boyfriend at home, but her plans are thoroughly messed up when she meets Geri (Márk Ember), who is relaxed, funny and has another very good quality: as the frontman of a band, he performs on the beach in Szigliget with his friends (Peti Marics , Kirády Marcell). What can be of this? Confusion? Love? Jealousy? A few kisses? A few slaps? More kisses? This is the minimum. The summer on the shores of Lake Balaton changes the lives of young people, and even affects the lives of their children. / Source: Hogyan tudnék élni nélküled? (2024) - IMDb. URL: [] /
After the death of her husband, a mother decides to fulfill his last wish and runs the marathon in relays with her daughters. A small problem is that none of them are physically and mentally prepared for running. Furthermore the relatives and friends are also unexpectedly affected by the women's seemingly impossible challenge. / Source: Futni mentem (2024) - IMDb. URL: [] /
A family at a remote farmhouse is attacked by an unseen animal, but as the night stretches on, the father begins to transform into something unrecognizable. / Source: Wolf Man (2025) - IMDb. URL: [] /
After the death of her husband, a mother decides to fulfill his last wish and runs the marathon in relays with her daughters. A small problem is that none of them are physically and mentally prepared for running. Furthermore the relatives and friends are also unexpectedly affected by the women's seemingly impossible challenge. / Source: Futni mentem (2024) - IMDb. URL: [] /
Lili (Sára Varga-Járó), is after the tragic loss of her love, spends her days lonely as a cocoon, until she comes across her mother's diary and a stack of love letters in her parents' apartment. As she begins to read them, the past comes to life in front of her, one of the unforgettable summers of the early nineties: Lili's mother, Eszter (Franciska Töröcsik), is on vacation at Lake Balaton with her two friends. She is determined to remain loyal to her 'stiff upper lip' boyfriend at home, but her plans are thoroughly messed up when she meets Geri (Márk Ember), who is relaxed, funny and has another very good quality: as the frontman of a band, he performs on the beach in Szigliget with his friends (Peti Marics , Kirády Marcell). What can be of this? Confusion? Love? Jealousy? A few kisses? A few slaps? More kisses? This is the minimum. The summer on the shores of Lake Balaton changes the lives of young people, and even affects the lives of their children. / Source: Hogyan tudnék élni nélküled? (2024) - IMDb. URL: [] /
A family at a remote farmhouse is attacked by an unseen animal, but as the night stretches on, the father begins to transform into something unrecognizable. / Source: Wolf Man (2025) - IMDb. URL: [] /
JANUARY 18 | SATURDAY | 10:00 | 12:00 | 14:00 | 16:00 | 18:00 | 20:00 |
Futni mentem
comedy (12) |
Hogyan tudnék élni nélküled?
musical (12) |
Wolf Man
horror (18) |
JANUARY 19 | SUNDAY | 10:00 | 12:00 | 14:00 | 16:00 | 18:00 | 20:00 |
Sonic the Hedgehog 3
action, adventure, animation, anime (12) |
Véletlenül írtam egy könyvet
family (12) |
Hogyan tudnék élni nélküled?
musical (12) |
Futni mentem
comedy (12) |
Wolf Man
horror (18) |
JANUARY 20 | MONDAY | 10:00 | 12:00 | 14:00 | 16:00 | 18:00 | 20:00 |
Futni mentem
comedy (12) |
Hogyan tudnék élni nélküled?
musical (12) |
Wolf Man
horror (18) |
JANUARY 21 | TUESDAY | 10:00 | 12:00 | 14:00 | 16:00 | 18:00 | 20:00 |
Hogyan tudnék élni nélküled?
musical (12) |
Futni mentem
comedy (12) |
Wolf Man
horror (18) |
JANUARY 22 | WEDNESDAY | 10:00 | 12:00 | 14:00 | 16:00 | 18:00 | 20:00 |
Futni mentem
comedy (12) |
Hogyan tudnék élni nélküled?
musical (12) |
Wolf Man
horror (18) |
After the death of her husband, a mother decides to fulfill his last wish and runs the marathon in relays with her daughters. A small problem is that none of them are physically and mentally prepared for running. Furthermore the relatives and friends are also unexpectedly affected by the women's seemingly impossible challenge. / Source: Futni mentem (2024) - IMDb. URL: [] /
Lili (Sára Varga-Járó), is after the tragic loss of her love, spends her days lonely as a cocoon, until she comes across her mother's diary and a stack of love letters in her parents' apartment. As she begins to read them, the past comes to life in front of her, one of the unforgettable summers of the early nineties: Lili's mother, Eszter (Franciska Töröcsik), is on vacation at Lake Balaton with her two friends. She is determined to remain loyal to her 'stiff upper lip' boyfriend at home, but her plans are thoroughly messed up when she meets Geri (Márk Ember), who is relaxed, funny and has another very good quality: as the frontman of a band, he performs on the beach in Szigliget with his friends (Peti Marics , Kirády Marcell). What can be of this? Confusion? Love? Jealousy? A few kisses? A few slaps? More kisses? This is the minimum. The summer on the shores of Lake Balaton changes the lives of young people, and even affects the lives of their children. / Source: Hogyan tudnék élni nélküled? (2024) - IMDb. URL: [] /
Sonic, a sündisznó visszatér a mozivászonra karácsonykor az eddigi legizgalmasabb kalandjával. Sonic, Knuckles és Tails összefognak egy veszélyes új ellenféllel, Shadow-val szemben, aki egy rejtélyes gonosztevő, és olyan ereje van, amilyennel még egyiküknek sem volt dolga. És mivel a Sonic csapat képességeit ez a kihívás minden szempontból meghaladja, keresniük kell egy váratlan szövetségest, hogy megállítsák Shadow-t, és megvédjék a bolygót…
Nina (Demeter Villő) legfőbb vágya, hogy író legyen, kreativitását az animációs filmrendező apjától (Mátray László) örökölte. Mindennapjait kétbalkezes bűvész öccse (Hárs Bonca) kavarja fel, s mivel az anyukája (Lovas Rozi) korán meghalt, a női mintát kissé merev nagynénje (Tenki Réka) nyújtja a családban. Amikor apja életébe új szerelem (Rujder Vivien) érkezik, Nina a szomszédban élő bohém írónő (Zsurzs Kati) iránymutatásait követve az írás segítségével dolgozza fel édesanyja elvesztését, és nyitja meg szívét az új családtag és az első szerelem (Kövécs Barnabás) előtt.